Successful Factory Acceptance Test for MOMEK TappingMate
MOMEK TappingMate har gjennomført vellykket Factory Acceptance Test
In May, a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) was conducted in collaboration with Elkem at MOMEK Robotics’ Test Lab. This critical step ensures that the new tapping solution is ready to be transferred to Elkem’s production facilities for real-world operation.
– This project started four years ago, and we have been working hard, 40-50 people, both from Elkem and MOMEK and many other partners. Today is the FAT, Factory Acceptance Test. A major milestone. It has gone very, very well. We are extremely satisfied, said Bjørn Audun Risøy, CEO of MOMEK Robotics.
– The FAT involved rigorous practical tests to confirm the equipment’s functionality within a smelter environment. Rolf Skogvold, Head of Projects at MOMEK Robotics, explained,
– This involves performing practical tests on how the equipment should function in the smelter.
The new tapping process addresses significant safety and efficiency issues in the current method. Frode Johan Berg, Plant Director at Elkem ASA Rana, highlighted the challenges,
– The tapping process today is characterized by a lot of heat that the operator stands in. It is a tough and heavy work process. What we have looked at today is drilling, closing the tapping hole, and we have also seen the use of tools to maintain the tapping hole.
Ivar Helvik, Operations Manager at Elkem Silicon Products, emphasized the transformative potential of the new solution, stating,
– We really want to get the operators away from this. This will make everyday life much safer for the operators. I believe this can truly revolutionize tapping at Elkem. We are very excited to put this into operation at Elkem.
MOMEK is shaping the industry of the future
MOMEK takes an active role in developing tomorrow’s solutions to increase safety, improve quality, and reduce the environmental footprint in the industry.
The successful completion of the FAT marks a significant advancement in the automation and safety of the tapping process at Elkem, promising a safer and more efficient future for its operations.
Press & Media
All images, videos, and text in this press release/news article can be used for editorial purposes. Unless otherwise specified, please credit MOMEK Group.
For more information and interview, contact:
Bjørn Audun Risøy, CEO, MOMEK Robotics, at +47 977 13 231
For media requests, contact:
Kent-Erik Sjursen, CBO, MOMEK Group, at +47 906 75 744
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